Style Group Private Equity

Our investments span a wide range of industries around the world in established and growth-oriented Content Creators alike. Playing a vital role in helping mostly Social Media Content Creators realize their growth potential, we uncover value by identifying great Creators or Influencers and enhancing their performance by providing patient capital and operating support to strong management and production teams. Our approach helps our portfolio of Content Creators or YouTube/TikTok Channels grow core businesses, launch new initiatives, make transformative acquisitions and support long-term strategy.

Investment Philosophy

Investment Profile

Style Group’s investment size has historically ranged from 0 to 1 million in equity capital. Our investment committee process for vetting transactions and continuous expansion of best practices enables us to offer value on larger transactions and funding above this range. Our target investments are typically Social Media Content Creators that are growing fast or already profitable but due to excessive production costs, payroll, or accounts receivable wait-time burden have not been able to focus on the big picture. In most cases, we are the majority shareholder and the only outside investor. This reduces the distractions commonly associated with having multiple financial investors and permits us to take a differentiated, long-term perspective. We are flexible and creative and pursue investments using a variety of transaction types.

Collaborative Partnerships

Style Group provides a strategic and operationally-focused investment with the goal of adding meaningful, sustainable value to each Creator within our portfolio. In addition to investment capital, we offer our portfolio of Social Media Content Creators access to proprietary best practices and an extensive relationship and mentorship network. What sets us apart is our philosophy of working closely with the Creators or Influencers at the outset of each investment to reach a common understanding of channel goals, develop the appropriate performance benchmarks, and implement proven best practices. Together, we aim to build some of the very best companies leading the Social Media sector today. We provide a tailored approach to adding value for each of our Creators; we provide strategic, operational, and financial expertise.

Industry Focus

Style Group has focused on Social Media Content Creators, Influencers, and Influencer-run brands or companies since our founding. We look for opportunities to build and grow a sustainable, successful Creator economy in our target markets. We seek Creators that provide Entertaining and Engaging content to a diverse Social Media audience through proprietary style, fashion, or techniques for YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Quora, Snapchat, WeChat, and Twitter,  leveraging multi-disciplinary expertise to create a sustainable content development strategy. We believe there are various elements to the influencer business model that can create a differentiated, scalable, and highly profitable enterprise. Identifying specific YouTube channels that can be transformed through the implementation of operational best practices and turned into predictable, high-cash-flow businesses is key to Style Group’s target selection. 


  • Strategic analysis and guidance
  • Implementing operational best practices
  • Developing key performance indicators
  • Financial planning and budgeting
  • Evaluating and executing M&A
  • Industry research and competitive analysis
  • Establishing partnerships and alliances
  • Talent and performance management

SG Investment Criteria

Existing or potential recurring revenue

Differentiated solutions and Strategies

Experienced and Dedicated Influencer

Favorable customer characteristics

Defensible competitive position

Favorable market dynamics

Strong Advertiser value proposition

Driven by Analytics, executed with heart

Transformational operating improvements

We actively target Social Media Channels in which significant value can be created through clear strategic and operational change and created our Portfolio Operations Group to provide hands-on support to help our portfolio of Social Media Content Creators become more productive, efficient, and valuable. Once a Creator joins the portfolio, we help them craft a plan to reach their full potential over the long term and provide assistance as they put this plan into practice.

Style Group SMPE Approach

Our private equity strategy offers a combination of financial, management, and intellectual capital to bring lasting value and sustainable growth to Social Media Content Creators. We set creators up for success by offering proven best practices and unique insights from a community of Social Media professionals who understand the opportunities and challenges within the media industry. This approach equips our creators with the resources they need to achieve their vision for their channels or brands. Our sole focus on the Social Media Content services industry means that we are unrivaled in terms of experience and know-how. We ensure that a creator can maximize the expertise of our network to achieve operational excellence, sustainable growth, and financial returns.

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